By Prabhat Tiwari

Designers, engineers, artists, and graduates aspiring to get admitted in prestigious colleges like IITs and NID, appear every year for entrances like CEED and NID-DAT for Master of Design programs, but very few get through. Multiple factors are there affecting the selection of a candidate in these competitive exams, which generally are not taken care by the students appearing for these exams.
I have been watching and listening many people who have cleared these exams have shared their experiences on various platforms talking about how they prepared, what to do and what not to do!
Since it has been 10 years now practicing and teaching design to new comers and aspirants, most of them are preparing in somewhat similar manner, techniques, study materials, teaching methodologies of coaching institutes, and talks of mentors. Even a few who are reading this might say I am also giving the same ‘gyaan’. But I will still complete this!
I have noticed, rather experienced year on year while preparing graduates looking to become designers, what they are missing OUT!
I see every year students getting top ranks but not getting through final rounds. Some don’t even clear the first round of common exam but have amazing drawing and creative skills. Some are too careless about portfolios. Some are not able explain their work they have done and some are too communicative that they over explain. Now you might have guessed what missing thing I was talking about. BALANCE!
I am also not saying that when I was appearing for exams I had complete balance over all my aspects required to clear exams and get admission but now realise that most of things were complementing to each other and some how balancing.
Now the question asked by my students is how do we balance it. We all lack in something and are good at something else, for example, an engineering graduate who is good at executing but lacks out of the box ideation or very creative solutions, some even might lack in community skills. Take another example of an art graduate who has got amazing sketching and creative skills but might lack at analytical problem solving.
Let’s take one more example of a design or architecture graduate who has got out of the box ideation skills, can sketch and develop designs, knows how to execute and communicate the designs but they are not balancing their aptitude and attitude. Yes you read it right, Attitude!
Now the question was how to prepare properly for CEED and NID, the answer is Observe everything around you carefully, Read, Study, Practice, Execute your ideas, Communicate and Balance them all.